On January 26, 2024 at 9:00 - 10:15 am EST, the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE) hosted a virtual briefing and panel discussion about the past year of progress on our Pathways toward Accreditation initiative.
This event provided an exclusive first look at professional development materials on the Key Competencies in Sustainability Education. Our panel discussion featured voices of diverse thought leaders and experts in sustainability education who will provide their insights and feedback. The panel will conclude with brief Q&A for our Zoom audience.

9:00 - Welcome & Presentation
Krista Hiser, Ph.D., Senior Lead and Advisor for Sustainability Education, GCSE
9:30 - Panel Discussion
- Maria Boccalandro, Ph.D. - Dean of Special Academic Programs, Dallas College & Chair, GCSE Board of Directors
- Julian Dautremont - Director of Programs, AASHE
- L. Julian Keniry - Principal and Founder, Green Teach for Opportunity
- Ali Whitmer, Ph.D. - Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Georgetown University
10:00 - 10:15 - Q&A
Are you a program director or faculty member of a sustainability program in the Washington, D.C. area? Reach out to Krista Hiser, GCSE Senior Lead and Advisor for Sustainability Education, to learn about a special opportunity participate in this event in-person: krista@gcseglobal.org.