Sustainability in Higher Education

The purpose of GCSE’s Sustainability Education program is to provide dynamic, context-sensitive guidance for a diversity of programs. 

This program page provides a transparent record of this work and notice of upcoming opportunities to engage. This page also serves as a portal to further resources in the areas of: 


Pathways toward Accreditation Logo

  • Inclusive participation - stakeholder engagement and ways to participate
  • Key Competencies in Sustainability a Convergence Statement and related scholarship
  • Resources - additional resources on sustainability education organized by stakeholder perspectives: students, faculty and program directors, employers
  • Guidance for Program Evaluation and Pathways towards Accreditation for Sustainability degrees
  • Grounding statements centering the above in the thriving of Earth’s Biosphere and Justice, Equity, and Diversity and Inclusion of humans as part of nature



View the Spring 2024 Update from

Program Director Dr. Krista Hiser:

This video provides a briefing and retrospective

review of the Pathways towards Accreditation

of Sustainability Programs initiative, which

seeks to support sustainability-related teaching

and learning in higher education programs.

To learn more about the focus areas of this initiative, click the boxes below.


Inclusive Participation

Key Competencies in Sustainability








Transformative Program Evaluation


Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Accessibility

This work is funded by the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation, in partnership with Arizona State University and Sustainable Earth. Collaborators include the GCSE Sustainability Education Community of Practice representing 67 colleges and universities; the National Sustainability Society, the NASEM, and AASHE. 

Resources and More Information

The Sustainability Education Community of Practice is on summer break. If you're interested in joining the Sustainability Education Community of Practice with co-chairs Rod Parnell and Teri Balser, please complete this form.

Form icon

For questions, please contact Krista Hiser at

Upcoming Events

Workshops at Fall Conferences

  • More to be announced.

Provide Feedback on 8 Grounded Areas for Program Evaluation

Are you interested in providing input into an emerging framework for sustainability program evaluation? The GCSE Sustainability Education Community of Practice is for faculty and program directors to network and discuss barriers and best practices for achi. The Community of Practice provides input on emergent standards for Sustainability Degree programs, in eight Grounded Areas. 

8 Grounded Areas for Transformative Program Evaluation


View recordings of past events here.